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Enchanted - Alethea Kontis I adored this book.It's no secret that I love fairy tales. But do you know how few retellings of The Princess and the Frog there are? SO FEW, GUYS. I was so pumped when I finally heard about this one (and also that cover? CAN WE DISCUSS MY NEED FOR THAT DRESS?). This is such a unique spin on it, too. There's so much more to the "princess" than we'd ever expect and I really came to adore Sunday and her family as we learn about them. And then it's still not so simple to get the happily ever after. There's so many layers to the story and family history and drama and intenseness. It was really incredible. And then the world itself was so richly built. It was different and full of a very intriguing royal family and Sunday's awesome family and tradition and magic. It was really well crafted, but I still look forward to learning more about it in future books.I adored Sunday and Rumbold. On their own, they were both adorable and sweet and lovely. And then when they were together I just wanted them to kiss each other and be happy because they were so perfect for each other. I cannot with how wonderful this romance was. Just...so endearing and awesome.And Alethea's writing is so wonderful. It was fun and light and just...so unique from anything I've read before. She has such a strong voice and sense of herself as a writer and it lead to Sunday and Rumbold really knowing themselves.Not to mention, this book is technically a stand-a-lone. While Alethea's sold two more books about two of Sunday's sisters, it was a good while after this book was released and it's totally capable of being read on it's own. (But I'm still jazzed for the sequels.)Honestly, this was a really well written, totally unique spin on an underrated fairy tale and I loved it. Enchanted is definitely a book for the fairy tale lovers of the world.